You can learn from and connect with the best distance coaches in all of Texas and across the country at the CCCAT Summer Clinic held each June!
You can have a voice and a vote in the CCCAT Top 10
You'll Be Eligible for CCCAT Coach of the Year honors
You'll have a voice in the only organization in Texas exclusively devoted to promoting the best interests of high school endurance athletes. The CCCAT has a recognized and respected place at the UIL Table - Through the CCCAT you'll be able to bring your ideas and concerns to the state governing body.
You can learn from and connect with the best distance coaches in all of Texas and across the country at the CCCAT Summer Clinic held each June!
You can have a voice and a vote in the CCCAT Top 10
You'll Be Eligible for CCCAT Coach of the Year honors
You'll have a voice in the only organization in Texas exclusively devoted to promoting the best interests of high school endurance athletes. The CCCAT has a recognized and respected place at the UIL Table - Through the CCCAT you'll be able to bring your ideas and concerns to the state governing body.