Candidate must be retired from their Texas public school coaching assignment.
Candidate must be employed for +10 years in Texas public schools.
Candidate has shown quality leadership and has been willing to help others and the sport of Cross Country throughout the state of Texas.
Selection/Induction Process:
Inductees are nominated by members of CCCAT in good standing (current members).
Nominations (Biography must be included) are to be sent to Robert Ondrasek ([email protected]) and are due December 8, 2023.
Selections voted on by the Board of Directors of CCCAT and ex-Board members.
Induction will be held at the CCCAT clinic.
Hall of Fame Members
John Barr Jerry Carter Greg Christensen Paul Darden Anid De La Garza Judy Dittmar Bill Farmer James Giese Steve Golemon Danny Green Mike Hooten Rick Keith Billy Johnston Ed Marcinkiewicz Jim Mouser Tony Munson Traci Neely Robert Ondrasek Zoe Simpson Jerry Sutterfield Steve Telaneus